
The Apartment
and Groenlandia
in coproduction with
Small Forward
Produced by Lorenzo Mieli
and Matteo Rovere
A series by
Francesca Manieri
Directed by
Matteo Rovere
Francesco Carrozzini
e Francesca Mazzoleni
SUPERSEX is loosely inspired by the real life of Rocco Siffredi (Alessandro Borghi). His family, his origins, his relationship with love, a profound story that goes through his life since childhood and reveals how and when Rocco Tano – a simple guy from Ortona – became Rocco Siffredi, the most famous pornstar in the world. Rocco is originally a poor child who loves only Tommaso (Adriano Giannini) – his eldest brother who dates the most desired girl in town, Lucia (Jasmine Trinca) – and Supersex, a pornographic comic with a very particular superhero. When in an incredible twist of fate Rocco meets Supersex, he discovers that he has the same superpower and that his life can change forever. He realizes that this superpower can save him from the difficult environment he comes from, but will also force him to pay the highest price: giving up love forever, or so it seems. SUPERSEX is a story that questions the connection between porn and life, the power of sex, and its link with death. Through the most famous living porn icon, it investigates how masculinity is constructed and the (still unanswered) questions of desire and power that dominate the relationship between men and women today.